Arthyde, Minnesota
Tuesday February 18, 1941
Dear Marie,
Thanks alot for your picture post cards. They were very nice. I certainly was surprised when you wrote and said you were going to California! I could hardly beleive it!
We've has such a blizzard for the 4 or 5 days that is even almost impossible to go to school. I made it to the road yesterday and got to school but they brought us back. I didn't go today at all. The wind was just howling around the corners of the house. And it drifted something awful. I guess spring is the only thing that can open up the roads. Even the snow plow could hardly get through.
I'm trying to write small so's I can get some news on this card. Your certainly lucky to be out there in Calif. Mother said she was enveys you. So long as even yours and your friend write.