Showing posts with label Letter of Reference. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Letter of Reference. Show all posts

Sunday, October 31, 2010

February 20, 1941 - Emma Marie Ausland

Evanston, Ills, Feb. 20 - 1941

To Whom it may Concern,

        This is to certify that Marie Laukanen has been listed with the Causland Employment Registry and placed, with satisfaction at general housework.  Marie is the average general homemaker, doing good, ____ cooking, sewing, etc. ____ ______ __ neat and clean.  In Evanston, Marie earned $12.00 weekly. Marie us very conscientious about her work, doing all she can to help the household running smoothly.  By this I mean ___ extra work, etc.

        I am quite sure that Marie will not disappoint anyone requiring her services, where average general work is needed.

Causland Employment Registry
Emma Marie Ausland, Mgr.

August 19, 1940 - Mrs. Edgar S. Beldey

Aug. 19, 1940

To Where it may concern:

The bearer of this note, Marie Laukanen, has worked for me for about four months.

I have found her a girl of good character, honest and trustworthy.

She is quick and orderly about her work and agreeable in personality.


Mrs. Edgar S. Beldey
Evanston, Ill.

August 19, 1940 - Mrs. Edgar S. Beldey

Aug. 19, 1940

Dear Marie,

        I am enclosing a letter of reference that you asked of me.

        Most people prefer a reference "by word of mouth" but this may answer your purpose.

        I shall be at my apointment about September 21st.

        Yours Truly,

    Mrs. Edgar S. Beldey