Just a few lines to answer & thank you for your swell letter which I rec'd one day this week. Thank you so much for it. Was a great pleasure to hear from you in Calif. How are you doing anyway? I'm O.K. but have been bothered with my side again some this week. I wish it would go away & leave me in peace sometimes.
I got a letter from your mother this wk & she said you were in Calif. Was I ever surprised. I wrote you a letter back there but I don't know if you got it.
Are you doing housework & how much are you getting, if I'm not too inquisitive. Are there many in the family? What do you do? Be sure and write soon and tell me all about it. Neither of my folks are working yet, Sorry to say. We have been here about 5 weeks. I've been working here even as I went to work the 2nd day I arrived here. Folks are living in a tourist cabin in Colma. It isnt far from here. They have been staying in Berkeley and Oakland at my Uncle's and Aunt's until up to now. Mother doesn't like to live with other people & anyway she hasn't been feeling all well lately.
Have you gained while in Calif? I can't say I have because I weighed 132 & 135 lbs. in Minn. While here I only weigh 127. I eat enuff vegetables. I ought to gain.
There is a family of 4 where I'm working. Two children a girls 5 & boy 4. The man works in San Francisco in a waxed paper printing factory on something like that. They are ____ a young couple. I cook for the children & do general housework except the laundry but I iron the childrens clothes. It is a big house. About 11 or 12 rooms. 3 1/2 bathrooms. My roon and bath are in the basement. I get off every Wed. after lunch & every other Sunday after breakfast. I get $40. Wish I was getting $50 & $60 like most of my g. fs. Some $65 & $75. That would really be making a little spending money then.
Has your mother been thinking about coming to Calif. too? Gee! I sure wish she would come out here. Mother said she'd see if your mother could take care of Gloris day times while she'd go out to do day work. I guess she wouldn't trust anyone else except your mother. Ha Ha
Well how is your romance flourishing with Ray? Bet he sure was tickled pink when you came out wasn't he? Suppose you'll soon be going on your honeymoon all along the coast with him. Sure would love to see you & don't forget when you go through here you have to stop & visit us. Never will we forget our good & kind neighbors from Arthyde. The best that you can get anyplace & no fooling.
Hope you can make out my scribbling but I'm just ___ying while the children are taking their nap.
Dad, Ma & Gloria were over to see me. Gloria has more to say then her mouth can say out the words. I think she has grown a lot. Wish she could go to kindergarden & take piano lessons. I think she'll be a musician with all the pop and dancing feet she has. I hop she'll have better opportunities for schooling etc. then I had.
Have you had much rain there? We have had an abundance here.
I got a letter from Eastman girls & they said Agnes Beck had been home for a few days in Jan. and that Elsie Anakala is working in a garage in Kettle River. Also Francis Eastman has married someone. Did you know that Eino Haapanes (Lawler's Land'O Lakes creamery manager) has T.B. and is in Deerwoood sanitarium> They think they can get it cured because he hasn't it very badly yet. Also Walter Mayala & Eino Lundeen from Lawler both are married. I think to some Sevedberg girls from Sheriff Lake.
What states did you come through coming down? Wasn't the trip wonderful? I got a big thrill crossing the Mtns. but mother was scared. I th__ Black hills of S. Dak. were beautiful. The other states were Wyo, Utah & Nev. We were even in Reno where the movie stars go and get married. Ha Ha.
Wed. I was to San Francisco & was to see that "Gone With the Wind". It was wonderful. 2nd playing so only cost 40 cents. Originally was $1.50. If you can have a change to see it that is if you havn't By all means don't miss it. Hea__ rend__ing is right. I cried like a baby.
I heard San Diego is about 400 or 500 mi. from here so we still are quite a ways apart.
I've been to a couple dances since I was out here. Last one Wed. Nite was fun but not the 1st one Sun. night in Berkeley. I Finnish _____ dance. Old papp_is. I danced with dad, ma & a g.f. from S. Dak. so you can imagine how exciting. 2 or 3 bots in the whole hall. I want to try out bowling sometimes but they claim its quite expensive. Also roller skating & I would like to go skiing out to the Mts. if I could have a week end off.
Now that I once got started traveling I would like to travel more & more till I'd see every state in the Union. Wouldn't you? That would call a big purse with lots of dough in it which I havn't got so I can't think of such things. Only dream of good things into the future.
Iv'e wrote nearly a book so will close, & be hoping for a letter from you very soon. Better yet would be to see you & talk to you in person.
With loads of love,