Waukegan, Ill
Dear Marie,
While passing away my leisure moments I suddenly acquired the urge to pen you a few lines.
We certainly have had some drastic changes in weather since you went away. It was ten below this morning so you can imagine what such sub-zero weather feels like. According the radio reports it was forty below in Mpls. I have been as active as a fire man on the Soo Line. My muscles are rather fatiqued from excessive shoveling of coal. I hope it lets up soon though. You can be thankful that you are in the land of sunshine & roses. Our flowers out here can be liated in one brand - namely your roses.
Lee has a nice radio. Hugo bought her a beautiful Zenith Combonation - paid two hundred smackers for it. Stamp collections have been put aside, its phonograph records now. We are going to send Hilmer to Little Vinlander so that he can compse some Finish songs for us.
Havn't been working for the last couple days again. The whole shop is closed but don't know for how long. There is a belief among us fellows that when it does start up again it will be under a new management. Maybe then a guys could probably get some breaks. I have applications in for these defense factories, but wether they materialize is yet a question to be seen.
Mother has been in fine health. I was to church with her the other Sunday I really enjoyed it.
The others have written to you so I guess there isn't much to add.
Much love