Arthyde Minn
Mar 6 - 1941
Dear Marie,
Loads of thanks for your letter, was certainly glad to hear from you. We certainly were surprised when we heard you had gone out there. I thought for sure that you would be Mrs. Somebody by now ha ha. Thats O.K. Marie dear to look sharp before you make that final leap ha ha. You know you are young yet, and theres a lot of time in a hundred years. I wish I were out there with you, I'd roll in the hot sand out there all days long, and take life easy, that is if I have the money.
It doesn't seem possible that there is a place in the United States where its so warm at this time of year, does it? Here are are marooned behind big snow drifts many feet high unable to get to the main road only with horses, and no hopes even for the road to open for a few weeks at least. Believe it or not I havn't been any where for seven weeks and Iv'e seen only 3 women in that time. You know I had the "flu" in January and my kidneys have bothered me many weeks so thats why I havn't been able to go any wheres. I'm better now tho thank goodness.
Are you working at a family place? And have you seen any of those glamorous movie stars out there?
Well, snooks you mustn't be lonesome in a fairy land like that, enjoy yourself all you can, now where you have such a good chance. I had a letter from your mother some time ago, she is feeling fine, I'm so glad that she got better, hope she continues to feel that way so she can enjoy a few years of her life yet.
Am kind of lonesome for your folks tho, when you are so far away.
We are going to fix the upstairs this spring, we intend to finish the north end of it for Violets room and paint it, and linolium on the floor. We bought a dresser from that Wests auction sale so next time you come over to visit us, you can bunk with Violet in her new quarters. When you cone back from California you better stop out here for a week or two, hope this old snow will be gone by then ha ha.
Say Marie is that San Diego very far from where Mrs. Ajada lives?
Violet got your card today already that you had written sunday, it certainly doesn't take long for mail to come from there.
Wrote to your mother yesterday too and have one more letter to write so will bring this to a close.
Have a good time out there now we are young only once you know. When you get old you will be more contented to stay in one place when you have seen more of the world when you were young. Lots of love Wevella.
P.S. Lets hear from you again.
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